Saturday, April 30, 2011

Black orc Break

I needed a break from the Seamus warband and gave in to the constant badgering of this persistent Orc. "Paint me you git!" I gave in. Still many details to finish, like adding some checks and dags as well as giving the metal edges a bright touch-up.
One thing I may also do is play with the skin. It is based off my newer recipe of Knarloc green/ wash/ highlight. I havent highlighted his skin yet though. Does it need it?
Size comparison: Does Size matter?

The new Blackorcs I am going to paint up all have red armour plates to tie in with the army. The old unit was in blue. I traded them to a friend for his collection of plastic Blorcs that were unpainted. I like where this colour scheme is headed.
Now, if only those pesky Highelves weren't calling out for some paint too!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Another dead Doggie

Another little puppy done. The open wounds/fleshy bits turned out well, especially in person. The colours turned out very convincing. I painted spots into the eye sockets and they are done the same way as the dead prostitutes are, but this time it looks more like a reflection that milky pupil. That leaves two dead prostitutes and the copy cat killer. 2 of them have paint base coats, and I might even be able to complete another model this weekend, except I need to go back to work and do some organizing this weekend at some point. BLEGH! Let me know what you think of this addition to the Seamus band.
Cheers, Bard

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Its called a Vet??

Helloo?? Anyone home? You REALLY need to bring your dog to see the vet! It doesn't look well. At All. Please go see a vet? Please?


Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, and what better way to celebrate than with undead prostitutes??? Maybe. Not. Regardless, its Easter, and I wish everyone a happy holiday, AND I have finished painting another of Seamus' little undead ladies of the night. I have also gotten the base colours done on a second one and have also started the skin tones on the little copy cat killer. I will post them as updates when they are a bit closer to being completed.
Hope you enjoy!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Seamus and Sybelle Done

They are done and sit with a coat of sealer as I type.
The enemy of guild and Union, Seamus' notoriety only grows as he commits crimes in order to refine his skill with undeath. And to this end, the lovely ladies of the night, who seek not only a quick buck, but the choicest of brains upon which to feast are soon to arrive! (AKA they are next! And as per request, they will also be painted up in the same manner as the original art suggests)
Hope you enjoy,

photo says: fix hat edge!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Seamus WIP

Seamus is coming along!
What do you think?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Orc Sizes

A comparison was needed. Here they are. Shaman, Big'un and boy.
Seamus also got several layers of paint tonight. I need to work on the boots and knee pads and he will almost be done. Hes looking good and would have been added tonight, but I apparently ran out of space on Picasa web album and it won't let me upload more. Need to figure that out!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Or Big'un painted

A Big'un is done. I love this guy. His shield is a beastman sheild, and I love the brutality of that combined with the axe. Standing beside the regular guys he is huge. I added a bit of green-stuff onto the axe to cover a hole that occured when I trimmed off the tubes and other 40kish stuff off. You can also hardly notice the trimmed off ammo pack that was a permanent part of him along his waist-line.
Let me know what you think!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sybelle and Seamus

Sybelle is looking horrid just as I imagine a decomposing madame would. She has also received a coat of Armypainter Dullcoat. I am going to paint her little lady friends with slightly more flesh tone in the starting mix to make it look like they are a bit fresher. Mmmmm Fresh Meat!!
Seamus is well on his way. As you can see by the picture, the base colors are all getting put on at a decent pace. I am not sure I would have painted Seamus in this manner though for myself. I probably would have gone more in the purple range. Maybe saved the blues for where the pink is now. His hair is going to be highlighted up to a white color and all his clothing will receive many further highlights. He should look finished by about wednesday.
Let me know what you think! Cheers, Bard


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Madame Sybelle WIP

She is starting to look a lot like a Rotten belle madame!! Very creepy and vile looking lady here. She must have been a ..."real looker" while still alive?? Please don't hurt me? Please?
Pre-highlight and some green

cheers, Bard

Sunday, April 3, 2011

So long Spring Break!

Spring break has disapeared for another year. This year I did get some hobby time in though.
a) Completed a few Orcs to a standard I am happy with. (during my Skaven break)
b) Finished Grunk the drunk!
c) Played a 4k game on Saturday, where Grunk led my troops to victory! Except he (died) passed out after too much rot gut. My Giant Spider also killed lord Skrulk (the skaven disease character) while my brave Black Orcs were subjected to the Skaven Thirtenth Spell, and were destroyed except for the brave unit champion and the BSB. They lived to fight another day!!!
d) Finished cleaning a Seamus Warband for Malifaux. I got the first three models primed. One needed a special base to be put together (the copy cat killer aka. Mini Seamus)

More this week.
Cheers, Bard

Friday, April 1, 2011

New Gem on Grunk

Painted the Gem anew, and I am still unhappy with it, but will use it as is. I am also in the midst of cleaning and preparing some of the Seamus Gang from Malifaux for a commision. I will post updates as often as I can.
Here is the new and improved??? Grunk the Drunk