Thursday, July 29, 2010

Green PoWa!

Well, 2 more Goblins are done. They combine my 2 chosen cloathing colors. They look pretty sharp (so does the spear! Anyone else ever stab themselves on a goblin spear while painting?).
Standard bearer and grunt

W.I.P Chaos Nurgle Knights
The next shot is a W.I.P. of the chaos Nurgle knights. Lots still to do before they are finished, but I put a bit of time into them last night...especially on the bone head piece for the horse in the center. And like I had said in a prievious blog, they all have a big 'ol Axe of some kind.

Any suggestions before they get closer to done?

Cheers, Bard


  1. As for the stab...I now have a Night Goblin with a more-than-realistic blood job on the spear...LOL

    Never too late my friend!

  2. The blood effect is cool. Remind me to introduce you to the 150+ gpblins personally next time so "you" can "help" add that cool effect!!!
