Friday, July 23, 2010

A working light box


It looks pretty good for a picture. I think I will have to play with the light. Not sure about light coming in on the sides maybe. The picture appears a bit on the dark side (hehe) and is the only one I took that was any good. Maybe its the camera.
Anyway, this is what the light box looks like, finished.


  1. Hi! Thanks for following my blog, thought I'd drop by yours and see what you're up to, and I must say, that lightbox looks really nice! I think I've seen others using 2-3 lamps, and not just one, though, to get the light coming from all sides, might be the fact that you're only using one lamp that makes the models slightly dark?

    I really do like the colourscheme you've chosen for your Goblins, though, just wish the picture was a bit larger, so I could get a better look at the details!

    And now that you've got yourself a lightbox, please show us some more pictures of your Warriors of Chaos (nice Great Weapon conversions on those Marauders), and I hope that if you're finished with the Stegadon, you'll let us in on some pictures of it as well - beautiful model, recall it being a true joy to work on!

  2. Hey! Thanks for the comments. I agree about the need for more lights. I set up a second lamp last night and it made a huge difference. Today I will get the third lamp set up and try some pictures, say of a Stegadon or some chaos or something hehe.
    cheers, Bard
