Saturday, October 16, 2010

Malifaux WIP update

Will be trying for more depth on the boots and red areas

Do you like this shade of green?
An interesting faction. I have painted the puppets in the same schemes as their human controllers. The colors are also as per request. This is only a W.I.P, as the models, especially the greens, have a lot of work to go on them. (Are the metals too dark on the red/black marrionette?) But there is a hockey game tonight, so I will have some background noise going on while I work.
On a more skaveny side note, the plague furnace will have pictures up this weekend.


  1. Yeah the metal seems to dark, just by looking at the thumb nail I could not tell what was metal on the red/black one. and looking at it close it still did not seem to have much of a difference.

  2. Thank you for the comment. Hard to tell without input sometimes!
