Saturday, October 30, 2010

Plague Monk 1 Finished!

A new Skaven model has made his appearance on my display shelf. This is what I originally wanted my plague monks to look like: . This talented fellow displays his wonderful models on (The UnderEmpire). It is the style I am going for and think I have achieved it to a certain degree of success. I think I will put more time into each of them in the future as they are really a great centerpiece unit that escorts the plague furnace. Also, I will build up the bases on the others, as they have a really BIG problem ranking up, and I think would look good hunched over and scuttling over rocks and perhaps the odd dead horse! This might also be a good way of making some unit filler, allowing me to field more of the plague monks without breaking the bank. I will be attempting to put together the remainder of the completed monks on 40x40 bases with more diorama qualities to them.
Pre Devlan Mud and base
A no wash, and a freshly Primed
Right side ~ finished model
Front view ~ finished model
Left side ~ finished model
 Let me know what you think!
Cheers, Bard


  1. Loving them!

    Look even better painted! Keep up the nice job!

  2. Thanks Nesbet! I agree, I love the look of them all painted up. The one I painted was done pretty fast and looked good anyway, so that's promising!

  3. That guy looks creepy dude. I really like him.
