Monday, December 6, 2010

Chompy WIP

Lord Chompy got more paint thrown at him tonight. I am starting to be happier with the highlighted areas. Its taken many layers to get to the paleness I had pictured. The loin cloth is a khaki colour that is easy to highlight with white, which will keep things in the same tone range. It will tie in some of the other models in the warband, because they will all sport the same dirty, solied cloth. The joints will all have purple/red washed into them as well.
I thought I would like this model more than I do to be honest. At least when you paint an orc the teeth are large and easy to pick out...this thing has such small teeth around him that they need a magnifying glass to see the definition of them. Small gripes aside, I am crossing my fingers that I will like him more than I do when he is done being painted.
I also got some primer on my Kirai warband. These are some beautiful japanese themed models. I have them all a quick blue wash last night to help pick out the detail. I have plans to paint them in a mystical hawk turcoise highlighted to white...very spirit like. I will offset this with pure white clothing accented in orange. Wow, way to use a color wheel Bard!
More later

1 comment:

  1. Lord Chompy is great so far! Looking forward to seeing him done (loin cloth, teeth, base and all) and can't wait to see your Kirai.
