Sunday, May 8, 2011

Purple lady and a Gamers tale.

Another of Seamus' girl friends is done. I have one more to finish and the copy cat killer totem. The totem is 60% finished while the last lady is only at the primer stage. As soon as they are done I am going to start a personal project that I approached my local gaming store about. The tale of 4 gamers from GW sounds like it is not only a good time, but a great way to get interest in a game going as well as encouraging people to paint their armies.

I have put together a simple schedulel for the contest to allow even our slower painters to get involved. Army choices must be submitted by the 20th of this month, followed by 250 points of finished/based models on the 20th of each subsequent month. Added to this there are mini tasks to complete like a hero over and above the 250 points the first month, 2 objective markers in month 2, a war-machine in the third month and lastly something larger than a cavalry base in month four.
I would love to encourage anyone that reads this blog to participate along with me. If you want, take some pictures and send them to me. It would be great to post lots of pictures regardless of the painting levels of people to encourage and motivate.
To wrap up...last 2 Seamus Gang models done this week (fingers crossed) and then I begin assembling and basing models in preperation of the Tale of gamers. (You can have them assembled and primed but no paint on them)
Talk to you soon, Bard

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