Saturday, February 25, 2012


Necromancer done! I bought a Corpse Cart necromancer off a friend a while back, and finally put some time into it this week. A different friend of mine was also painting his necro this week, and it inspired me. Sadly the model had been put together very badly, but glued together very well!! and ALOT of green stuff was needed to even out cloak areas etc. Hopefully it isn't too obvious?? The last thing I worry about is the amount of "dry mud" weathering powder I put onto the cloak. Hope you like.



  1. beautiful work the rust effects on the sword are stunning and the face in particular looks great.

    Mud weathering on base of cloak is spot on

  2. Thanks John! I worried that I put too much mud on the cloak. Several people have said that it works though, so thanks, as that is a boost hearing it from people!
