Saturday, August 18, 2012

Plague Bearers x5

The first 5 Plague Bearers are done. There are always things to touch up and things you realize you miss afterwards, but Ill get to them later. For now, enjoy and please feel free to critique/comment. Suggestions often lead to interesting discoveries in painting.
Unit Champion. It turned out a bit darker from all the washes applied to cover the liquid green stuff patches on the sides.
3 stooges. Still work to do on the sword to the left.

Ouch...thats a BAD infection in a VERY sensitive spot!!

Tiered of the standard always falling over. Answer: Cavalry bases. Please share with the musician, thank you.

I adore the fly head. Wish the box came with more!

Not sure about antlers. Not really accurate fluf-wise.


  1. Can you post the steps? I've been looking for painting tips for this style, and this is the only good look I've found.

  2. Hi JDojo18,I will get something put together for you soon. Work and a baby have kept me away from my blog lately, but I will certainly get some step by step for you up!
    Cheers, and thanks for the interest.

  3. JDojo18, sorry I never responded sooner. I simply spray prime in a bone or white colour. Then cover the entire model in (Model Color yellow green[954]) and start applying washes.
